Obstetrical Ultrasound
Ultrasound is the best noninvasive way to monitor the development and health of your unborn baby. It is a completely safe and incredibly useful tool for any trimester, and provides information about your due date, how many fetuses you may be carrying, and how the structural development of your baby is progressing. Pregnancies at higher risk- for example, due to diabetes or high blood pressure- may also benefit from ultrasound surveillance to monitor the well being of the baby. At Fetal Diagnostic Center of Arizona, we offer comprehensive ultrasound services from the very first weeks of pregnancy until after your due date, if indicated. Types of ultrasound exams we perform include:
1- viability and dating ultrasound in the first trimester
2- first trimester screening for birth defects and chromosome disorders (12-13 weeks), also called nuchal translucency screening
3- detailed fetal anatomic evaluation
4- fetal echocardiogram (see separate page)
5- monitoring of identical twin (monochorionic) pregnancies by ultrasound
6- 3rd trimester growth and well being
7- biophysical profile (BPP) testing
We also offer nonstress testing (NSTs) in the office in the event that this is indicated following your ultrasound.
All our studies include the use of state of the art GE Healthcare 3-4D imaging, incorporated into the exam for both diagnostic purposes and for parental reassurance. We are happy to provide several keepsake images for you, sent directly to your cell phone or email account via Trice Imaging. A more extensive 3-4D package can be arranged upon request.